Saturday, July 25, 2009

Less of them

Anyone with an ounce of integrity knows you don’t raise taxes in a recession. Yet Obama is doing that with both Obamacare and Cap and Trade. Everyone knows you don’t put more pressure on small business during a recession. Yet the Democrats are doing that by raising minimum wage.

Everyone knows the way you stimulate an economy is by freeing up American ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit. You lower taxes; you create incentive to hire new workers; you let the people decide what to do with their money, not the government. It has been proven that these things stimulate economies.

Yet Obama and the Democrats are doing exactly the opposite of what should be done.


If more people are out of work, who do they look to for assistance?

If more people are out of work, thus losing their HEALTH CARE, who do they look to for assistance?

People being out of work seem to be the key to enacting everything Obama wants to accomplish.

More control over our lives. Because THEY know better than WE do. And apparently there is a large portion of our population that believes that very thing because they vote for those pompous politicians over and over again.

And it’s not just Democrats. There have been plenty of infuriating politicians with an (R) after their name. Ah-nold… Bloomberg… McCain… All think that THEY know better.

Is that what we really want? To have the government tell us what’s best for us? Has anyone else noticed that government is full of people who cheat on their spouses, cheat on their taxes, try to sell Senate seats, give themselves raises… do I really need to go on?

They know nothing. It’s time we had LESS of them and MORE of freedom again.

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