Saturday, May 30, 2009

George Carlin using common sense about Global Warming. WARNING ADULT LANGUAGE

Racism of the left

If you read Laurie's comment, maybe you are wondering the same thing I am...

Alito said that his experiences as a white man would lead him to make better judgements than a Latina woman?

That's funny... I never heard about that... I'm pretty sure I would have too... hmmmm....

Face it... if a white man had said ANYTHING like what Sonia Sotomayor said, he would have been crucified for all of eternity.

"The talk of racism is garbage and code for the paranoia of white men who
are not longer the vast majority of the power in this world. Gasp -- only 7 of
nine will be men, only 7 or 9 will be white! What next? Votes for women? It's
the end of civilization as the right sees it -- thank God!"

Wow...argue racism with a racist rant... interesting tactic...

I don't think Conservative white men are concerned with no longer being the "vast majority of power in the world". We're concerned with fairness. Which is something the left claims to have the monopoly of yet shows the exact opposite over and over.

Rush Limbaugh on Immigration

Friday, May 29, 2009


We have moderate Rupublicans running around saying we shouldn't use language like "racist" when referring to Sonia Sotomayor. They believe we should use a more "civil" tone. They say that if we criticize her too harshly that independant voters and hispanics will go running off to the Democrat party.

When the Democrats criticized Alberto Gonzales did it hurt the Democrats? When the Democrats cruely attacked Clarence Thomas did African Americans go running off to the Republican Party? No. They are allowed to demonize and destroy reputations all they want, but if we use a word like "racist" (even if it's TRUE), we've gone over the line. It's rediculous and idiotic and the Repubican Party needs to stop falling for this trap over and over.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Socialism on the Court

Here is an interesting piece of information about our soon-to-be Justice of SCOTUS. When Sonia Sotomayor graduated from Princeton, she had the following as her quote that appeared beside her picture in the yearbook:

“I am not a champion of lost causes, but of causes not yet won” - Norman Thomas

Who is Norman Thomas, you might ask. An excellent question, I would answer.

Norman Thomas ran for President six times. As the candidate of the Socialist Party of America. Oh yes, the Socialist Party of America.

Another interesting and very applicable quote from Norman Thomas:

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

That's the road we're on, folks.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor

Well thank goodness we finally have a Hispanic on the Supreme Court. Obviously, that's what Obama was looking for. He gets all the praise and love from the mainstream media for bringing diversity to the Supreme Court. (Never mind that George W. Bush got NO credit for bringing the first Hispanic to the Attorney General's position in Alberto Gonzales.)

Whew. Now that that's done, we can move on to all the other minorities we need to get on the Supreme Court so we can achieve this great diversity that we MUST have. What will be next? A Native American? Or how about a homosexual or transgender? Oh wait, it has to be one of each. How stupid of me. Or maybe Asian or Canadian or Bulimic or HIV Positive or Jewish or Mandarin Chinese or a dwarf?

Picking someone on the basis of gender and race is SUPPOSED to be considered racist. Unless it's done by a Democrat. Then it's considered "fairness".

Speaking of "fairness', How about THIS gem of a quote from our soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice?

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” Sonia Sotomayor - 2001 Annual Judge Mario G. Olmos Law and Cultural Diversity Lecture at the University of California, Berkeley

Wow. If that isn't a racist statement, I'm not sure what racist is.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


The Republicans insisted the Democrats actually read a bill before they voted on it. So what did the Democrats do? They hired a SPEED READER to read it. for the video. I'm actually shocked at the arrogance of doing something like that. If the Republicans had done that, the media would have covered NOTHING else. It's all a big joke to them. That's what running our country has become.

Friday, May 22, 2009

A football question...

A question for all of you football fans out there: Imagine your favorite team just had a horrible season. A new coach gets hired and promises that he knows just what to do to turn the team around immediately. Draft time comes and the new coach insists that your team has to trade away it's first round picks for the next 10 years so they can aquire the people needed to win NOW.

The season comes along, and the team struggles mightily. They start off 0-4 and look like they're getting worse instead of better. Do you think the fan base would start to show some anger? Or at least some uneasiness at the direction the team is going?

Okay, now imagine instead of a coach doing all that, imagine it being done by the President of the United States.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


So Obama is insisting on closing Guantanamo. Despite the protests of the American People. Despite the protests of his Democratic cronies in Congress. He is stubbornly putting our country more at risk because he made a campaign pledge to the psychotic fringe of his party. Just today, authorities announced they had foiled a plot to blow up two New York synagogues and shoot down military planes. Three of those four men were recruited to Islam in PRISON. Exactly where Obama wants to send these dangerous terrorists. Can you think of a better recruiting ground? A captive audience dissillusioned and bitter with their lives. With nothing to lose. There is no way Guantanamo should be allowed to close. It shows Obama's ignorance of National Security to even suggest it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Hey if you like what you see here, become a follower. I need as many as I can get. ;-) Just click the link on the left.

Way to go California!!

I want to congratulate the citizens of California for voting down the irresponsible tax increases that were up for election last night. They said "NO" to an out-of-control government and it's about time. Unfortunately for them, it won't do them much good. I predict that the federal government is going to move to bail-out California because they are "too big to fail". So the citizens of California will still get a tax increase. It will just be on their Federal taxes like the rest of us.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Obama at Notre Dame

He brought up abortion. You must admit, the guy's got guts.

He tried to make it sound like he was resonable on the subject, too.

He said that people on both sides of the issue "can still agree that this is a heart-wrenching decision for any woman to make, with both moral and spiritual dimensions. So let's work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies, and making adoption more available, and providing care and support for women who do carry their child to term."

Why is it heart-wrenching? Why is it an issue of morality? Why would we want to reduce the number of abortions? Abortion is a woman's right!

Wait... unless... maybe it's heart-wrenching because we're not entirely sure it's good. And if it's not good, then it must be evil. But, no, it can't be EVIL. We've always been told NOT having legalized abortion would be evil.

Now I'm confused. Obama and the left has always told us that abortion wasn't murder. That a child in the womb isn't really alive yet. If that's the case, why would there be any morality issues or "gut-wrenching"?

Because when it comes to life, there is no gray area. Life is either there or it is no longer there. Murder can either be good or evil, it can't be a little of both. Rape can either be good or evil, it can't be a little of both. Abortion can either be good or evil, it can't be a little of both.

Obama wants it both ways. He says we should work on reducing the number of abortions. Really? One of the first things he did when he got in office was repeal an executive order issued by Bush that prevents forcing taxpayers to fund international groups that perform or promote abortions in other countries. Now the American taxpayers are paying for abortions overseas. Excellent start on reducing the number of abortions.

Friday, May 15, 2009

How DARE he!!!

I'm steamed. Okay, I'll say it, pissed.

I don't know how many of you heard anything about Obama's town hall speech he did in New Mexico yesterday. I doubt many of you because the media is oddly enough not reporting much on it.

Here's a link to the transcript if you'd like to see for yourself.

This man actually had the nerve to say the following:

"But the long-term deficit and debt that we have accumulated is unsustainable. We can't keep on just borrowing from China, or borrowing from other countries -- (applause) -- because part of it is, we have to pay for -- we have to pay interest on that debt. And that means that we're mortgaging our children's future with more and more debt, but what's also true is that at some point they're just going to get tired of buying our debt. And when that happens, we will really have to raise interest rates to be able to borrow, and that will raise interest rates for everybody -- on your auto loan, on your mortgage, on -- so it will have a dampening effect on the economy."

I bolded certain parts of that for a reason. If you look at all the bolded parts you will notice one thing in common with them all.



If Obama believes those things, why did he SPEND US INTO SO MUCH DEBT IN THE FIRST PLACE???

In the transcript you will read that he claims the government had to spend all of that money because it needed to "step in and fill the hole in demand that was created by consumers and by businesses, to get the economy kick-started."

Well guess what, the economy hasn't been kick started. So what good did the spending do? NONE.

Why is Obama not being held accountable for the fact that he spent all that money and has NADA to show for it?

Because the media and all his devoted worshippers only hear the beautiful words coming out of his mouth, not the damage he's doing all around them.

It's the dishonest leading the ignorant.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Problem with the Republican Party

Moderates are killing the Republican Party. We have too many members in our own party saying that we need to soften our "extreme right-wing positions" so that we can attract more voters. If we don't, there's no way we can win.

(I love how solid everyday Conservatism is referred to as extreme right wing by the media. If mainstream American values and ideals are extreme, then extreme be I!)

Ronald Reagan did not compromise any of his principles for the sake of votes. And he won both times. In landslides.

Ronald Reagan showed us how a Republican with Conservative values can win elections by huge margins. No offense to either Bush, but they weren't exactly solid-to-the-core Conservatives. Bush the elder ticked off Conservatives by going back on his "Read my lips... no new taxes" pledge and he was gone. Bush the younger ticked off Conservatives at the end of his administration by letting spending get out of control. Republicans are only successful when we stand firm on our Conservative principles and not try to "win votes". All we become when we pander is Democrat-light.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Steven Crowder

You have got to check this guy out. Hilarious. Go to the YouTube search box on bottom left of this page and type "Steven Crowder". I promise you won't be disappointed.


So now the liberals want Obama to pick a Hispanic woman for the Supreme Court... you know, I find it interesting that the Democrats always claim to be for equality, and people to be colorblind... but then they are the first ones to put people in a box... to say this minority needs this, and that minority needs that... It's interesting that all Republicans are treated with the same hatred, regardless of color. Can you say Clarence Thomas and Alberto Gonzales? Regardless of gender... can you say Sarah Palin? Or even both... can you say Condy Rice? The Republican party was the party that was most instrumental in stopping slavery... the Democratic Party was against it. Yet over 90% of African Americans vote Democrat. Can someone please explain this to me?

Supreme Court Nominee

Obama and the Democrats have gone on record saying that any upcoming Supreme Court nominee should have "empathy" for ordinary people and they should have a "greater world experience and diversity". Now, please tell me if I'm wrong, but this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being a judge. The job of a Supreme Court Justice is to FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION. It shouldn't matter who is standing before them and what their past life experiences were. What matters is the LAW. We have too many activist judges as it is. Lady Justice has a blindfold for a reason, and the Democrats want to rip it right off.

Global Warming

Let me get this straight... We can't get an accurate weather report of what's going to happen in a week, right? So we're supposed to believe that scientists can predict what is going to happen in our atmosphere generations down the road. Ah ok. These scientists tell us that global warming is man made. Caused by all us selfish Americans driving our cars, manufacturing our products, exhaling Carbon Dioxide... Well let's look at one simple fact... the warmest year on record was 1934. Yes, 1934, look it up. We've been spilling Carbon Dioxide and "Greenhouse gases" into the atmosphere for DECADES. If these things really do cause the earth to warm, then why isn't it even back to 1934 level? You know, 1934, when we DIDN'T RELEASE SO MUCH "GREENHOUSE GAS". So in the name of "protecting the planet" we're going to get MORE government regulations. Isn't that convenient for the BIG GOVERNMENT Democrats?

Class Warfare

It's very obvious that the Obama administration wants to make the rich the enemy. And it amazes me how many intelligent people get swept up in the attitude that if the rich get screwed, good! They need to know how it feels to suffer!

The wealthy used to be people to be admired. In the 40's and 50's they were idolized. Now that the wealthy are the enemy, where is the incentive to get rich? If getting rich makes you a target, is it really worth it?

One of the favorite liberal talking points if that we should raise taxes on the rich because "they can afford it". The top 1% of the wealthiest people in the country pay about 32% of income taxes. The top 20% pay about 78% of all income taxes.

What most liberals either fail or refuse to see is that many wealthy people employ a lot of non-wealthy people. If you punish the wealthy by taxing them more, they are going to make cuts to compensate. That hurts the little guy.

If anything, liberals should LOVE the rich. They have all of these social programs they want funding for and the wealthy are the primary contributors to those programs. But are they thanked in any way? Of course not. They're riduculed and hated. We should be trying to be more like them, not hoping they suffer.

Introducing Myself

Greetings, fellow inmates!

This being a brand new blog and my first ever post, I suppose I should try to introduce myself and explain my reason for starting this shrine to the insanity that is Conservatism.

I am a 35 year old married father of two who went about life the hard way. I got married young, had kids young, and put off going to college until I was 32. I recently graduated and got a great job that I really enjoy.

I came to love Conservatism on my own. I did not blindly follow along with what my parents believed. I believe that the Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they formed our country. I think they fully understood the dangers of a government that grows too large. The dangers of a government that obtains too much power. They wanted a limited government for a reason. So that all people can have the same opportunities to succeed.

I believe that liberalism is extremely harmful to the economic success, military security, and social harmony of our country. You only need look at the current Obama Administration to see some of the harmful things liberals do.

Obama is using class envy to further his agenda. And the most interesting thing about it to me is the fact that he is not hiding it in any way, shape, or form. He claims to be for the common man, but the policies he puts forth are most harmful to the very people he claims to be trying to help.

Obama believes that goverment is the solution for everything. I believe that the American people are intelligent and compassionate enough that they can take care of their own problems. Goverment only gets in the way of American inginuity.

So anyway, enough rambling. I'll be putting my opinions and thoughts on here daily about what is going on in the world or about what is going on in my chaotic little mind. Feel free to stop by whenever you like and comment whenever you feel the need. I just ask, please keep it clean and civil. If you don't, it won't get posted.

Hope to hear from all of you soon! Keep the torch of freedom burning!