Sunday, May 10, 2009

Class Warfare

It's very obvious that the Obama administration wants to make the rich the enemy. And it amazes me how many intelligent people get swept up in the attitude that if the rich get screwed, good! They need to know how it feels to suffer!

The wealthy used to be people to be admired. In the 40's and 50's they were idolized. Now that the wealthy are the enemy, where is the incentive to get rich? If getting rich makes you a target, is it really worth it?

One of the favorite liberal talking points if that we should raise taxes on the rich because "they can afford it". The top 1% of the wealthiest people in the country pay about 32% of income taxes. The top 20% pay about 78% of all income taxes.

What most liberals either fail or refuse to see is that many wealthy people employ a lot of non-wealthy people. If you punish the wealthy by taxing them more, they are going to make cuts to compensate. That hurts the little guy.

If anything, liberals should LOVE the rich. They have all of these social programs they want funding for and the wealthy are the primary contributors to those programs. But are they thanked in any way? Of course not. They're riduculed and hated. We should be trying to be more like them, not hoping they suffer.

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